Eric Wombat
Eric tries his best to bridge that most insummountable of IT gaps... technical and sales. His attempts to find the best solutions for both sides of the company usually end up with everyone working with a common mindset... dislike of Eric

Ethan Koala
Cute, cuddly, loved by Japanese tourists, the Koala. Ethan is none of these (except possibly for the Japanese tourist bit). A Winny Blue smoking, VB Drinking, foul mouthed member of Phascolarctos cinereus (Koala) Ethan makes a visit from the Network Admin a truly memorable experience

Tina Tiger and Geoff Dingo
One of the most unlikely couples you're ever likely to meet, Tina and Geoff manage to stick together despite the hardships of both working and living together. Tina is Infurmation Technology's receptionist, Geoff works in Tech Support. Maybe it's their mutual hatred of customers that keeps their love alive?

Infurmation Technology ©2001 Andrew Callaghan
All rights reserved